Geotransformations Python Command Line Utility

Documentation Status PyPI Status CI Test Coverage

Current state

Currently archived as I have personally switched to just using ogr2ogr from gdal. It has a difficult API on the command-line but it implements such a vast array of functionality that it is worth just learning.



  • Command line utility for easy transformations between geodata/spatial filetypes.

  • Python functions with documentation for direct usage.

    • This is my own main use case: A package with all basic geopandas file loads and saves bundled.

  • Uses Python pathlib for cross-platform path handling.


Currently supports:

All file formats supported by geopandas can be implemented.


  • geopandas for transforming between geodata filetypes which in turn uses fiona (that uses GDAL).

  • click for command line integration.


The GDAL tool ogr2ogr is a much more sophisticated command-line tool for converting between spatial file formats.

Geopandas by itself supports many more spatial file formats. For more advanced use cases when interacting with Python I recommend just using geopandas.

Fiona provides a command-line interface fio. fio.


  • PyPi

pip install geotrans
  • poetry for development

git clone
cd geotransform
poetry install

Formatting and linting

Formatting & linting:

poetry run doit pre_commit
poetry run doit lint

Building docs

Docs can be built locally to test that ReadTheDocs can also build them:

poetry run doit docs

doit usage

To list all available commands from

poetry run doit list


Development dependencies for geotrans include:

  • poetry

    • Used to handle Python package dependencies.

    # Use poetry run to execute poetry installed cli tools such as invoke,
    # nox and pytest.
    poetry run <cmd>
  • doit

    • A general task executor that is a replacement for a Makefile

    • Understands task dependencies and can run tasks in parallel even while running them in the order determined from dependencies between tasks. E.g. requirements.txt is a requirement for running tests and therefore the task creating requirements.txt will always run before the test task.

    # Tasks are defined in
    # To list doit tasks from command line
    poetry run doit list
    # To run all tasks in parallel (recommended before pushing and/or
    # committing)
    # 8 is the number of cpu cores, change as wanted
    # -v 0 sets verbosity to very low. (Errors will always still be printed.)
    poetry run doit -n 8 -v 0
  • nox

    • nox is a replacement for tox. Both are made to create reproducible Python environments for testing, making docs locally, etc.

    # To list available nox sessions
    # Sessions are defined in
    poetry run nox --list
  • copier

    • copier is a project templater. Many Python projects follow a similar framework for testing, creating documentations and overall placement of files and configuration. copier allows creating a template project (e.g. which can be firstly cloned as the framework for your own package and secondly to pull updates from the template to your already started project.

    # To pull copier update from github/nialov/nialov-py-template
    poetry run copier update
  • pytest

    • pytest is a Python test runner. It is used to run defined tests to check that the package executes as expected. The defined tests in ./tests contain many regression tests (done with pytest-regressions) that make it almost impossible to add features to geotrans that changes the results of functions and methods.

    # To run tests implemented in ./tests directory and as doctests
    # within project itself:
    poetry run pytest
  • coverage

    # To check coverage of tests
    # (Implemented as nox session!)
    poetry run nox --session test_pip
  • sphinx

    • Creates documentation from files in ./docs_src.

    # To create documentation
    # (Implemented as nox session!)
    poetry run nox --session docs

Big thanks to all maintainers of the above packages!


  • This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Copyright © 2020, Nikolas Ovaskainen.


Module documentation for developers